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Effects of the outdoor-adventure-education-based mountaineering courses on participants' resillience
作者 謝智謀 (Chih-Mou Hsieh)
目的:旨在探討以戶外冒險教育為基礎的登山課程,對參與者復原力的影響。方法:採用質性研究取向的個案研究法,以14名復原力課程的研究參與者為研究對象,進行四天的戶外冒險教育登山課程。全程透過研究者與觀察者做活動觀察紀錄,輔以學員在山上每日的反思日誌與團體分享錄音,最後,結合課程指導員、參與研究者的訪談,以分析戶外冒險教育對參與者復原力之影響。結果:以戶外冒險教育為基礎的登山課程可以從以下4個方面引發參與者復原力內涵:「個人內在的復原力」、「社交與人際互動的復原力」、「指導員與夥伴的外在支持」與參與者的「宗教信仰」。結論:最後根據本研究之結論與討論,提出「延長未來設計課程時間」、「探討引發復原力的影響因素」以及「研究對象」及「觀察角色」等後續研究之建議,以期提供未來登山教育參考。Purpose: To investigate the effects of the outdoor-adventure-education-based mountaineering courses on participants' resilience. Methods: This study adopted case study of qualitative research method. There were 14 participants who took part in the designed four-day backpacking program. The researcher analyzed the effects on participants' resilience with interviews of participants which were collected before and after the program, and with observations recorded by the researcher and an observer during the program. Results: The effects on Participants' resilience are classified into four phrases: 'internal personal strengths', 'social and interpersonal skills', 'external supports from instructors and group members', and 'participant's religion'. Conclusion: Based on the findings, the researcher presents suggestions about 'longer program time design', 'influential factors for resilience', 'research participants' and 'role as observer' for adventure programming to act as reference for future mountaineering education.
起訖頁 127-146
刊名 體育學報  
期數 201009 (43:3期)
出版單位 中華民國體育學會
該期刊-上一篇 多媒體輔助教學對大專生八式太極拳學習效果之影響
該期刊-下一篇 2006年全民運動會舞獅運動裁判判決分析




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