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Baseball swing timing and accuracy of the ball type judgement of the perception - action coupling
作者 郭丁良楊梓楣 (Chih-Mei Yang)
目的:檢證知覺-行動配連與未配連情境中,口語與行動(按鈕、揮擊)之球種判斷準確性以及不同行動對個體在棒球擊球時之影響。方法:利用時間預測儀之紅外線阻斷功能進行實驗,共計招募24名慣用右手之參與者,依技術層次分為12名大專甲組,平均棒球競賽經驗為9.5年之棒球打擊選手,及12名具備相關棒球知識規則及無持拍運動專長經驗之新手,在未配連情境(口語)、配連情境(按鈕、揮擊)中各進行16次試作。以情境中球種判斷準確度及配連情境時宜絕對誤差值進行資料處理。並分別以2(組別)X3(情境)及2(組別)X2(情境)混合設計二因子變異數分析,其中情境為相依樣本。結果:(一)情境與組別間之交互作用及組別主效果皆未達顯著,而情境主效果則呈現口語情境之球種判斷準確度皆高於按鈕及揮擊情境;(二)配連情境不同行動之時宜絕對誤差值,揮擊情境絕對誤差低於按鈕情境。結論:實際揮擊的決斷並非取決於認知運作,且愈貼近於運動場上的實際動作,有助於個體擷取環境中的關鍵訊息。Purpose: This study aimed at investigating accuracy of ball type judgement through verbal and action, and the effect of different actions on baseball batting in the situations of perception-action coupling and perception-action uncoupling. Methods: The modified bassin anticipation timer was used as instrument of the experiment. Twelve expert baseball batters and twelve novices served as the participants. In the uncoupling situation (verbal) and the coupling situation (button-pressing、swing), sixteen trials were executed respectively. 2 × 3 and 2 × 2 (group × situation) mixed design ANOVA were used to analyze the absolute timing error in the coupling situation, and accuracy of ball type judgement in both situations as well. Results: (a) There were significantly higher in accuracy of judgement in verbaling than in button pressing and swinging conditions between the two groups of participants; (b) In the coupling situation, the absolute timing error was less in swing than in the button-pressing situation. Conclusion: The decision of bating swing does not depend on cognitive function; the sport experience and the similar movement to real sport were helpful to pick up the relevant information.
起訖頁 79-90
刊名 體育學報  
期數 201009 (43:3期)
出版單位 中華民國體育學會
該期刊-上一篇 影響大專運動員飲酒行為之因素探究
該期刊-下一篇 臺北市運動中心顧客參與預測模式分析




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