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A study on prediction model of customer participation at Taipei Sports Centers
作者 倪瑛蓮 (Ying-Lien Ni)施致平 (施致平)
本研究以2009年前已營運之臺北市七家運動中心為研究範圍,並以其顧客為問卷調查對象。目的:旨在瞭解臺北市運動中心顧客特性及顧客參與情形,進而以邏輯斯迴歸(logistic regression)建構顧客參與運動中心之預測模式。方法:研究係以問卷調查法,共計發出804份問卷,有效問卷為734份,有效回收率達91.3%,其中,以描述性統計瞭解顧客特性及參與情形,並以邏輯斯迴歸分析,建構顧客參與之預測模式。結果:一、運動中心顧客以學生及年輕族群為主,其他族群具開發潛力;二、受到國人運動習慣之影響,運動中心顧客參與時段及設施使用集中;三、邏輯斯迴歸預測模式適配情形良好,「運動健身」及「情感建立」因素對臺北市運動中心顧客參與具顯著預測力。結論:運動中心應積極配合政府加強宣傳運動健身觀念,培養民眾終身運動習慣,並善用顧客情感交流,運用顧客人際影響力進行運動中心口碑行銷,以提升顧客參與運動中心之意願。Purpose: This study aimed to examine the customer demographics, and participating behavior of customer at Taipei Sports Centers. Furthermore, logistic regression was used to construct the prediction model of customer participation at Taipei Sports Centers. Methods: The subjects of the study were seven hundred and thirty-four customers in Taipei Sports Centers on 20th of April till 26th of April, 2009. A self-developed questionnaire 'Questionnaire of Customers' Participation Behavior in Taipei Sports Centers' was used as the research instrument. Descriptive statistics, logistic regression were computed for data analysis. Results: 1. The customers at Taipei Sports Centers were mostly students and younger generations, and others have potentiality to be exploited. 2. Because of the exercise behavior the using period and facility of customers at Taipei Sports Centers were concentrated. 3. The logistic regression prediction model which was built in this study was fit with the goodness-of-fit index approximately. It showed the most important predictors were healthy exercise and emotional development. Conclusion: Taipei Sports Centers should enhance the concept of sport or exercise in order to promote the behavior of physical activity. The use of customer's emotion could create word-of-mouth marketing, as well as increase their intention of participation.
起訖頁 91-108
刊名 體育學報  
期數 201009 (43:3期)
出版單位 中華民國體育學會
該期刊-上一篇 棒球揮擊時宜與球種判斷準確性之知覺--行動配連
該期刊-下一篇 多媒體輔助教學對大專生八式太極拳學習效果之影響




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