體育學報 Physical Education Journal |
200912 (42:4期)期所有篇 |
- 標槍投擲時槍體受力型態及地面反作用力型態之探討 Reaction force analysis in javelin and the ground during javelin throw
- 優秀大專舉重選手抓舉發力期之上肢動作分析 The kinematic analysis of upper limb during the second pull of snatch in elite college weight lifter
- 不同場地對男子職業網球選手發球與接發球技術之影響 Court surface influences on serve and receive skill among international elite tennis players
- 運動中應用視覺訊息之探討--以單手接球動作為例 The visual information to the ball: Catching with one hand
- 器物慣量與操作方式引致長度及環境賦使知覺 The inertia of implements and wielding styles induced the perception of lengths and affordances
- 2X2目標取向與希望對大專運動員競賽壓力因應策略之預測 The prediction of 2×2 goal orientations and hope on stress coping strategies among college athletes
- 資訊融入問題導向教學策略介入對高中生健康體適能學習態度之研究 The investigation of the problem-based learning strategy with computer enhance technique on high school students' health-related fitness learning Attitude