體育學報 Physical Education Journal |
200909 (42:3期)期所有篇 |
- 棒球投手等速肌力與揮臂速度對投擲不同重量棒球之投球影響 Effects of isokinetic force and throwing-arm velocity on throwing performance during pitching different weighted baseballs
- 不同頻率跳繩運動之下肢動作差異探討 The study of coordination among lower limb joints for different jumping frequencies of rope jumping
- 過肩投擲足壓模式之探討 A study of the characteristics of foot pressure distribution for over-arm throwing
- 教練的轉型與交易領導及運動員的團隊承諾:內在動機的調節效果 The effects of coaches' transformational/transazational leadership and athletics' team commitment: the moderation effects of intrinsic moitvation
- 伸手抓取動作之身體尺度比率界限 Body scaled boundary ratios for reach-to-grasp movement
- 職棒現場觀眾對球團行銷策略滿意度模式之建構 A study of constructing spectators' satisfaction model on Chinese Professional Baseball League marketing strategies
- 高中階段學生運動社團參與意圖模式之研究 The study of high school students' intentions to participate in sports clubs
- 臺灣運動服務業的產業關聯分析 A study on industrial linkages of sport services industry in Taiwan