體育學報 Physical Education Journal |
200812 (41:4期)期所有篇 |
- 動態恢復強度對損傷肌肉之功能及跑步經濟性的影響 Effects of different active recovery intensities on muscle function and running economy after exercise-induced muscle damage
- 單次離心運動對骨骼肌粒腺體釋出細胞色素C及細胞凋亡誘發因子的影響 The effect of single bout eccentric exercise on mitochondria released cytochrome c and apoptosis inducing factor in skeletal muscle
- 從不同頻率全身式垂直振動對運動員身體之響應 Resonance effect of athlete body part by applying varied whole-body vibration frequencies
- 三種輔助器材對鞍馬全旋動作之運動學分析 Kinenamic analyses of circular movement in pommel horse gymnastics among using three different assisant equipments
- 同步雙手多頻拍擊於視聽覺訊號之準確度與穩定性 The accuracy and stability of bimanual multifrequency tapping under synchronizing to visual and auditory stimuli
- 中華職棒聯盟六球團行銷策略之現況分析與研究 Marketing strategy analysis and studies of Chinese Professional Baseball League (CPBL)
- 學生知覺教學形式量表之編製:以Mosston教學光譜為基礎 The development of 'Students' Perceptions of Teaching Styles Scale' based on Mosston's Spectrum of Teaching Styles
- 老年人運動休閒互動建構的社會意義 The social meaning for the elders that constructing in recreational sports activities interaction