中文摘要 |
目的:本研究以裁判「圓、大、輕、正、美」的評分觀點及運動學角度,分析在三種鞍馬輔助器材上表現全旋動作之差異。方法:利用兩部60Hz的攝影機記錄13位國小男子體操選手在三種鞍馬輔助器材上的動作表現,再利用Studio9.0影像編輯軟體剪接每一位受試者的表現,而後聘請四位國家級裁判針對影像檔內容來進行評分,最後將實驗所得資料以one-way ANOVA來進行檢測,若達顯著水準時,再以LSD最小顯著差異進行事後比較。結果:在裁判評分中「圓、大、正、美與總扣分」具顯著差異;在運動學方面,三種輔助器材上所表現的全旋其作用時間、踝關節高度、全旋半徑比值、全旋角速度及髖關節角度上皆具顯著差異。結論:本研究證實較低高度的輔助器材,促使選手能有較大的全旋半徑、較快的全旋角速度以及全旋時有較高的踝關節高度。Purpose: Purpose of this study was to investigate which assistant equipments was most suitable for novice gymnasts to perform circles. Methods: Thirteen gymnasts were asked to perform 5 circles on three small pommel horse of the assistant equipment. A three-dimensional motion capture system with sampling frequency 60Hz was used to record each gymnast's performance. One-way ANOVA with LSD post-multiple comparisons was used to exam inter-group differences. Significant level was set at α < .05. Results: In judge's assessment domain, the judge's principles 'roundness, amplitude, no deviation, aesthetics and average of sun of deduction points' showed significant difference among the 3 assistant equipments. In terms of kinematics, the duration, height of ankle, radius of circles of rate, angular velocity of circle, and hip angle were significantly different among the 3 assistant equipments. Conclusion: This study found that gymnast performing on the lower assistant equipment, they appeared larger radius, short duration, faster angular velocity of circle movement. |