臺灣史研究 Taiwan Historical Research |
202303 (30:1期)期所有篇 |
- 從近代動物品種觀探討臺灣本土犬隻的被認識與命名 Recognition and Naming of Native Dogs in Taiwan from the Perspective of Modern Animal Breeds
- 從臺灣到滿洲:以關東都督府警政建設為中心的日本帝國統治學知移轉分析(1905-1918) From Taiwan to Manchuria: Analysis on Transfer of Ruling Knowledge in Japanese Empire Centered on Police Administration of Kanto Governor’s Office (1905-1918)
- 日治時期新式產婆與基督教的關係 Relationship between Midwife and Christianity during Japanese Occupation Period
- 「林務局之惡聲狼籍,布於全島」:二二八事件前後的臺灣林業 “Notoriety of the Forestry Bureau Blanketing the Island”: Forestry in Taiwan before and after February 28 Incident
- 《光明報》:政治檔案和口述史料交錯下的考證 Guang-Ming Pao: An Investigation Based on Political Archives and Oral Historical Records
- 土田滋的臺灣南島語言資料 Tsuchida’s Materials on Formosan Languages