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202404 (23:1期)期所有篇 |
- γ-谷氨酰環轉移酶做為人類乳癌新穎臨床病理學的生物標記以及其腫瘤免疫微環境角色 γ-glutamylcyclotransferase as a Novel Clinicopathological Biomarker and Its Implication in Tumor Immune Microenvironment of Human Breast Cancer
- 基於TP53的乳癌候選藥物鑑定 Identification of TP53-based Drug Candidates in Human Breast Cancer
- 三氧礦化聚合物與鑄造金屬根柱接觸面交互作用之初步研究 A Preliminary Study on the Interaction of the Interfaces between Mineral Trioxide Aggregate and Casting Post Alloy
- 類固醇治療總天數與COVID-19個案住院癒後的關聯性 The Association between Total Number of Days of Systemic Corticosteroid Treatments and Outcomes of Hospitalized Patients with COVID-19
- 橫膈膜旁肝癌復發之胸腔鏡切除手術 Thoracoscopic Resection of Recurrent Hepatoma Near the Diaphragm
- COVID-19初期對台灣偏鄉醫院重症醫療的影響 The Impact of Initial Stage of COVID-19 on Critical Care in a Rural Area of Taiwan
- 醫事教師「複合體驗式同理心溝通訓練模組」之成效分析 The Training Effect of“Composite Experiential Empathic Communication Training Module”for Clinical Teachers
- 照護一位下肢靜脈潰瘍困難傷口病人之護理經驗 Nursing Care Experience of Patients with Leg Venous Ulcer Problems
- 氣管支氣管憩室:一病例報告并文獻複習 Tracheobronchial Diverticulum: A Case Report with Literature Review
- 照顧一位下咽癌個案行氣切造口術之護理經驗 Nursing Experience of Caring for a Hypopharyngeal Cancer Patient with Tracheostomy
- 照護一位接受冠狀動脈繞道手術受刑人之護理經驗 Nursing Experience of Caring for a Prisoner Undergoing Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery
- 以發燒及陰囊腫脹表現之福爾尼埃氏壞疽 Fournier’s Gangrene with Fever and Scrotal Swelling: A Case Report
- 階梯式治療對創傷性腦損傷難治性顱內高壓的協同作用:舉例性個案報告 Synergistic Effect of Staircase Approach on Refractory Intracranial Hypertension in Traumatic Brain Injury: An Illustrative Case Report
- 免疫檢查點抑制劑誘發重症肌無力病人的人蒼白桿菌菌血症:案例報告 Ochrobactrum anthropi Bacteremia in a Hepatocellular Carcinoma Patient with Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors Treatment-Induced Myasthenia Gravis
- 治療心衰竭藥物之性別差異 Sex-Related Differences in Medications for Heart Failure
- 錢幣狀濕疹 Nummular Eczema