臺灣人類學刊 Taiwan Journal of Anthropology |
202112 (19:2期)期所有篇 |
- 導言:環境人類學方法論的探索:與Tim Ingold對話 Introduction: Methodological Explorations in Environmental Anthropology: Dialogues with Tim Ingold
- 我在泰雅生態農耕敘事中的走動:對Tim Ingold的呼應 My Walking in the Tayal Agro-Ecological Narratives: Corresponding with Tim Ingold
- 論路徑、行走,與創造路徑──從雅浦與蘭嶼的村落路徑談起 "On Path, Walking, and Pathing: Village Paths in Yap and Yami"
- 魚蝦豐收:臺灣養殖產業的漁具、生死網目與技藝體現 "Good Seafood Harvest: Fishing Gear, Life-Death Mesh, and Embodied Skills in Taiwanese Aquaculture"
- 量體流動與風的時空政治──以大林蒲的空氣污染為例 "Fluid Volume Thinking and Politics of Air/Wind: Case of Dalinpu, Taiwan"
- 台灣高等教育原住民族文化知識發展之研究:以多元文化溝通課程為例 The Development of Indigenous Cultural Knowledge in Higher Education: A Course Study of Multicultural Communication in Taiwan
- "Shu-Li Wang, Michael Rowlands, and Yujie Zhu: Heritage and Religion in East Asia" "Shu-Li Wang, Michael Rowlands, and Yujie Zhu: Heritage and Religion in East Asia"
- 陳文德:《從社會到社群性的浮現:卑南族的家、部落、族群與地方社會》
- Scott Stonington: The Spirit Ambulance: Choreographing the End of Life in Thailand Scott Stonington: The Spirit Ambulance: Choreographing the End of Life in Thailand
- 盧彥中:《開水喇嘛》The Boiling Water LAMA
- "Isabella Willinger:《嗨,AI》Hi, AI"
- Yujiro Seki:《一雕入神:日本佛教雕刻職人》Carving the Divine-Buddhist Sculptors of Japan
- 撒舒優.渥巴拉特:《Masan caucau成為真正的人》