問題與研究 Wenti Yu Yanjiu |
200103 (40:2期)期所有篇 |
- 歐盟經驗與兩岸統合:建立WTO架構下的雙邊商務糾紛解決機制 How to Launch and Organize Integration across the Taiwan Strait: An Analysis Based on the EU Experience
- 中共對網路資訊傳播的政治控制 China's Political Control over the Cyber World
- 大陸環境管理體系與國際接軌的問題 The PRC's Environment Management System: Efforts to Meet International Standards and Problems
- 「古阿姆五國論壇」發展之研析 An In-depth Analysis of Recent Development of GUUAM
- 當前科索夫的問題與困境 The Current Kosovo Dilemma
- 政治版圖--兩個選舉行為研究途徑的對話 The Two Faces of Political Clustering in Electoral Studies: Endogenous vs. Correlated Effects