地理研究 Journal of Geographical Research |
202112 (74期)期所有篇 |
- 地方標誌性建築的設計治理:臺鐵花東線車站改建計畫研究 The Design Governance of Local Iconic Architecture: A Study on the Station Reconstruction Plan along the TRA Huadong Railway Line
- 應用網格化雨量資料,建立臺灣各流域年尺度之雨量──流量關係 Using Gridded Rainfall Data to Construct Annual Rainfall-Runoff Relationships for Watersheds in Taiwan
- 茶油的社會生命之探討──以臺灣北部地區為例 A Research on the Social Life of Camellia Oil-A Case Study in Northern Taiwan
- 自然解方於荷蘭海岸沙丘應用之評析與台灣本土適用之課題 Evaluation of Nature-based Solutions Application in Dutch Coastal Dunes and Lessons Learned for Local Adaptation in Taiwan
- 應用手機信令軌跡資料,推估通勤道路之時空地震災害風險 Estimation of Space-Time Traffic Corridor Earthquake Risk Exposure Based on Cellular Trajectory Data
- 受刑人的經驗與生活空間:以嘉義監獄為例 Prisoners' Experience and Living Space: A Case Study of Chiayi Prison