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Using Gridded Rainfall Data to Construct Annual Rainfall-Runoff Relationships for Watersheds in Taiwan
作者 邱繼成林冠州李宗祐王文誠
Runoff or streamflow, rather than rainfall, is a directly abstracted water resource. Rainfall-runoff relationship informs the amount of rainfall being converted to runoff, which has been rarely documented for the island-wide watersheds in Taiwan. Runoff determines the regional development of Taiwan. Therefore, quantification of runoff is crucial for the evaluation of sustainable water resource use. In this study, gridded rainfall data, produced by Taiwan Climate Change Projection and Information Platform Project (TCCIP), and runoff data, provided by Water Resources Agency and Taipower Company, from 1960 to 2017 were used to understand the spatial patterns and trends of annual rainfall, runoff, runoff coefficient and actual evapotranspiration for the 107 watersheds. Rainfall-runoff relationships, i.e. annual runoff = a × annual rainfall + b, for the 107 watersheds were also constructed. The results show that there were no spatial and temporal trends for the annual runoff but there was overall an increasing trend for the annual rainfall, leading to a significantly decreasing trend in runoff coefficient at 21 watersheds, mainly in Northern and Southern Taiwan. Every watershed had a very good rainfall-runoff relationship, and there were 71 watersheds where their relationships possessed R^2 values greater than 0.7. No distinct spatial patterns were found for coefficients a and b and actual evapotranspiration. There were 25 watersheds where annual runoffs were larger than annual rainfall forunknown reasons. Nevertheless, it is speculated that the reasons consistently influence the rainfall-runoff relationships, making them applicable to water resource management.
起訖頁 37-60
關鍵詞 降雨—逕流關係水資源管理實際蒸發散逕流係數rainfall-runoff relationshipwater resource managementactual evapotranspirationrunoff coefficient
刊名 地理研究  
期數 202112 (74期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學地理學系
該期刊-上一篇 地方標誌性建築的設計治理:臺鐵花東線車站改建計畫研究
該期刊-下一篇 茶油的社會生命之探討──以臺灣北部地區為例




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