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A Research on the Social Life of Camellia Oil-A Case Study in Northern Taiwan
作者 謝偉民譚鴻仁
臺灣茶油的意涵,常常隨著政治經濟氛圍而轉變。本文透過阿帕杜萊(Arjun Appadurai)之物的生命史觀點,探討茶油的社會生命轉型,以突顯茶油的「物的社會生命」。在後現代消費文化與全球經濟的帶動下,各個時期茶油產品的使用價值不停演化,展現出歷史發展的原始軌跡。不同消費符號的現象,可由消費者意識與市場偏好來解釋,同時也影響著農產品產銷治理。本文透過茶油的物性轉變、本真性、符號價值、品質治理,以及對抗全球化等過程,發現臺灣茶油的社會生命史可分為三個時期。每個時期有各自在政治經濟作用力影響,傳統茶油產銷模式與產品角色,以及符號意義與物性變化。這些作用提高不同產銷網絡的產品品質,提升其產品價值,促進將來產業發展提供指引方向。
The implication of Taiwan's Camellia oil has changed due to the political and economic atmosphere. This study uses the life history perspective of Arjun Appadurai to explore the social life transformation of Camellia oil, so as to highlight its ''social life of things''. Driven by post-modern consumer culture and the global cultural economy, the use-value of Camellia oil products at each stage has evolved, showing the original appearance of historical development. The phenomenon of conversion into different consumption symbols can also explain consumer awareness and market preferences, and affect the production and marketing governance of agricultural products. Through the process of the transformation of the materiality properties of Camellia oil, symbolic value, quality governance and counter globalization, we find that the social life history of Taiwan's Camellia oil can be divided into four stages. There are respective political and economic influencing factors in each stage, affecting the traditional production-marketing model and product role of Camellia oil as well as symbolic meaning and materiality changes. These factors improve the quality of different production-marketing networks, increase the value of Camellia oil products, and promote the Camellia oil industry development.
起訖頁 61-83
關鍵詞 阿帕杜萊本真性符號價值品質治理Arjun Appaduraiauthenticitysymbolic valuequality governance
刊名 地理研究  
期數 202112 (74期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學地理學系
該期刊-上一篇 應用網格化雨量資料,建立臺灣各流域年尺度之雨量──流量關係
該期刊-下一篇 自然解方於荷蘭海岸沙丘應用之評析與台灣本土適用之課題




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