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Estimation of Space-Time Traffic Corridor Earthquake Risk Exposure Based on Cellular Trajectory Data
作者 陳彥儒張家浚張國楨
Due to the special geographical location of Taiwan, hazards such as earthquakes and typhoons occur very frequently. According to statistics, from 1948 to 2019, typhoons occurred 3.6 times, and earthquakes occurred 0.5 times on average per year. Although there are fewer earthquakes than typhoons, the earthquake's average negative social and economic impacts are extremely severe. Being in such a vulnerable environment highlights the importance of disaster risk assessment. When assessing disaster risk, the space-time dynamic characteristics of risk are often ignored, and it is impossible to provide disaster prevention decisions on a more accurate space-time scale. In order to include space-time characteristics of population movement to risk assessment, Call Detail Record (CDR) data were used because it can obtain more samples of real population dynamics at a lower cost. In this study, traffic corridor data were analyzed at different time windows to observe space-time patterns, so that the static disaster risk assessments in the past can be improved. The results of this research show that the corridor exposure and risk value both rose sharply from 06:00, until slowing down at 12:00. It rose again and reached the highest value near 17:00, and then gradually decreased to the early morning of the next day. Zhongzheng Road, Zhongshan Road, and National Freeway 10 were the main risk peak corridors. The space-time risk distribution of corridors was analyzed based on emerging hotspots. The two time windows, ''03:00 - 08:00'' and ''11:00 - 17:00'', showed higher risk hotspot intensity, but the former hotspot appeared later in the time trend, while the latter hotspot gradually intensified. The data mining results of the disaster risk space-time patterns can improve the risk perception in the mitigation phase, and assist in the preparation of simulation exercises in the preparedness phase. In addition, it can also plan the dispatchment of equipment and supplies on a more accurate space-time scale as well as improve transportation planning in order to enhance local capabilities when facing disasters.
起訖頁 105-141
關鍵詞 手機信令資料時空分析地震災害風險評估Call Detail Record (CDR)space-time analysisearthquake disaster risk assessment
刊名 地理研究  
期數 202112 (74期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學地理學系
該期刊-上一篇 自然解方於荷蘭海岸沙丘應用之評析與台灣本土適用之課題
該期刊-下一篇 受刑人的經驗與生活空間:以嘉義監獄為例




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