地理研究 Journal of Geographical Research |
202011 (72期)期所有篇 |
- 少子化下,全臺學齡人口時空分布差異與影響因素研究 A Study on the Temporal and Spatial Distribution Changes and Influencing Factors of the School-Age Population in Taiwan
- 一樣風雨兩樣情:兩個泰雅部落土石流災害識覺與災後重建調適行為的比較 Landslide Leads to Different Futures: A Comparison of Disaster Perception and Adaptation Behavior of Two Indigenous Atayal Tribal Communities
- 新加坡與臺灣國中環境教育與親環境行為之比較 Pro-Environmental Behaviors in Secondary Schools: A Comparison Study of Environmental Education between Singapore and Taiwan
- 使用通訊軟體進行自導式野外實察的成效與可行性分析:以LINE的運用為例 The Effectiveness and Feasibility of Self-Guided Fieldwork by Using Instant Messaging Applications: The Example of Using LINE Software
- 原址本真性或襲產基礎設施化?臺北市道路建設與歷史保存爭議辨析 Original-Site Authenticity or Heritage Infrastructuring? Case Studies of Road Construction and Historic Preservation Controversies in Taipei
- 非都市地區高齡者鄰里活動類型、活動空間與鄰里環境供給滿意度之研究:以新北三峽與桃園新屋區為例 A Study into the Outdoor Activity Types and Space and the Satisfaction Level of the Elderly Population in Rural Areas-Case Studies in Sanxia District, New Taipei City and Xinwu District, Taoyuan City