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Original-Site Authenticity or Heritage Infrastructuring? Case Studies of Road Construction and Historic Preservation Controversies in Taipei
作者 王志弘
This paper examines the controversies between historic preservation and road construction through the perspective of infrastructure deployment. Iregard historic preservation as the embodiment of variegated urban meanings and developmental strategies in terms of their alternative infrastructuralization. The preservation strategies which prioritize the original site and historic authenticity are limited in the face of road construction, and a vision of infrastructural politics is needed. Through the discussion of four cases, including Lin An Tai Historical House, Dihua Street, the New Beitou Station, and the Mitsui Bussan Warehouse, the paper shows how they epitomize the strategic shift of the urban governance of Taipei that first forwarded development through road expansion but later incorporated historicity as a mechanism of spatial regulation. Still, history and culture often only play a minor part in urban governance. As the authorities would not sacrifice road developments for preservation, they usually propose relocation and re-assemblage of the historic buildings as the preservation bottom line. Activists advocating for preservation however insist that historicity should be anchored at the original site, and be renovated in the same form as the original ones and with the same materials, a proposition that finds it weak to resist the infrastructuralized obduracy of the road. It is therefore argued that preservation politics should not insist on preserving cultural heritage on the original site, but may take the deployment of the participatory infrastructure of culture into account. This is for culture to enter the supporting network for everyday life and become the key moment, from which we might expect to seek the alternatives of urban meanings.
起訖頁 103-137
關鍵詞 都市治理拼裝體都市論物質性公民參與urban governanceassemblageurbanismmaterialitycitizen participation
刊名 地理研究  
期數 202011 (72期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學地理學系
該期刊-上一篇 使用通訊軟體進行自導式野外實察的成效與可行性分析:以LINE的運用為例
該期刊-下一篇 非都市地區高齡者鄰里活動類型、活動空間與鄰里環境供給滿意度之研究:以新北三峽與桃園新屋區為例




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