地理研究 Journal of Geographical Research |
201705 (66期)期所有篇 |
- 臺北捷運路網結構之脆弱度分析 Vulnerability Analysison the Taipei Metro Network
- 沙學浚先生的海國學說與運用 Hsueh-Chuen Sha’s Theory of “Marine Country” and Its Application
- 共同所有權與原住民財產權作為台灣土地產權系統的挑戰:來自澳洲經驗的見解 Communal Title and Indigenous Property Rights as a Challenge for Taiwan’s Land Title Systems:insights from the Australian experience
- 家在台北:香港專業移民在大臺北都會區的生活印記 Life in a'New'Homeland: The first Professional Immigrants from Hong Kong in Taipei
- 地理美學的延伸與推廣:以通識教育課程「地理學通論」之 心智圖系列操作應用為初探 Extending and Promoting Geographical Aesthetics: A Preliminary Application of the Series Mental Map Assignment within the Introductory Class for Geography at a General Education Center
- 臺灣香蕉外銷自由化之後的銷日香蕉生產、外銷和日本市場 Development of Taiwan's Banana Industry after Banana Exportation Liberalization and the Japanese Market