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Communal Title and Indigenous Property Rights as a Challenge for Taiwan’s Land Title Systems:insights from the Australian experience
作者 陳怡萱Richard Howitt (Richard Howitt)
Inadequate and unresolved state responses to contemporary Indigenous land right claims in Taiwan reflect a deep flaw in the country's current land registry. The land titling system, which was introduced by the KMT government after 1945, allows the registration of individual titles, but not communal, customary or collective titles, and effectively classifies all unregistered and untitled land as belonging to the state. The system is principally derived from Australia's Torrens title system, for which the core element is an indefeasible title by registration. The adoption of the Torrens title system in Taiwan has allowed Indigenous claims only to be registered as individual titles. Therefore, tensions over the non-recognition of communal titles that are derived from Indigenous peoples' ancestral domains or traditional territories are ongoing. In contrast, Australia has developed significant statutory and juridical experience that has resulted in the formal recognition of Indigenous peoples' communal titles alongside continued operation of the Torrens title system. This paper discusses how this experience might inform and support future recognition of Indigenous land right claims and shared communal property interests in Taiwan.
起訖頁 31-46
關鍵詞 共同所有權托崙斯制度原住民土地權土地登記Communal titleTorrens titleNative titleland registryIndigenous property right
刊名 地理研究  
期數 201705 (66期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學地理學系
該期刊-上一篇 沙學浚先生的海國學說與運用
該期刊-下一篇 家在台北:香港專業移民在大臺北都會區的生活印記




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