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Life in a'New'Homeland: The first Professional Immigrants from Hong Kong in Taipei
作者 姜蘭虹黃子健
臺灣近年來的移民研究主要著重在因婚姻(來自中國大陸與東南亞的女性配偶)或工作(受雇於跨國企業的專業人士或非技術外籍勞工)而來臺的外籍人士。相較之下,雖然「移民臺灣」 是臺港新聞中常見的議題,卻未曾受到學術界關注。本文將焦點集中在過去 50年間,香港人移民臺灣之後的生活。本文採用質性研究方法, 透過對 38位受訪者(年齡約在 39 至 77 歲之間,主要是 1950 至 2002 來臺,大部份都有大學以上學歷)的深入訪談得知,他們都在不同的專業領域 發揮所長,順利在臺定居。有些受訪者更受惠於當時的僑生政策,不但在臺灣接受高等教育,學成後,更在相關領域從事教研工作。雖然臺港兩地同屬華人社會,臺灣若干語言和社會文化(例如閩南語以及父權價值觀)仍對某些受訪者(尤其是活躍於職場的女性)帶來困擾。不過,他們一般都認為臺灣人都熱情有禮、樂於助人,也指出香港移民對臺灣的經濟與社會發展貢獻良多。 因此大部分受訪者與當地人互動良好,也無意返回港定居,並且會推薦香港人移民臺灣。
This is a study of the first Hong Kong professionals who came to live in Taiwan. It focuses on their life experiences. Qualitative methods are used to conduct face-to-face interviews with 38 Hongkongers aged between 39 and 77 who settled in Taiwan between 1950 and 2002. Sixteen came as overseas Chinese students and have taken a diversity of jobs, twelve immigrated with their families or spouses and thirteen came because of employment. As most are university educated, their skills met the demands of the Taiwan job market at the time and all of them have settled successfully in a variety of white collar professional jobs. Despite the similarities in Chinese culture and the ability to speak Mandarin, they have difficulties with Taiwanese culture and customs and most are not able to speak the Minnan dialect. Female immigrants find Taiwanese society much more patriarchal than that in Hong Kong in the early days. They all find Taiwanese people to be enthusiastic, polite (熱情有禮)and helpful. Being established in their careers, they have contributed to Taiwan's economy, integrated well and most are not thinking of returning to Hong Kong. A majority recommend that Hongkongers emigrate to Taiwan.
起訖頁 47-71
關鍵詞 香港人僑生專業移民社會經濟融合HongkongersOverseas Chinese studentswhite-collar professionalssocio-economic integration
刊名 地理研究  
期數 201705 (66期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學地理學系
該期刊-上一篇 共同所有權與原住民財產權作為台灣土地產權系統的挑戰:來自澳洲經驗的見解
該期刊-下一篇 地理美學的延伸與推廣:以通識教育課程「地理學通論」之 心智圖系列操作應用為初探




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