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篇名 |
地理美學的延伸與推廣:以通識教育課程「地理學通論」之 心智圖系列操作應用為初探
並列篇名 |
Extending and Promoting Geographical Aesthetics: A Preliminary Application of the Series Mental Map Assignment within the Introductory Class for Geography at a General Education Center |
作者 |
蔡怡玟 |
中文摘要 |
地理美學(geographical aesthetics)乃屬於一種人居處於大地或空間間的凝視、回眸和有關於主、客體間回繞等感受性等的問題,同時其進一步而言,亦是一種人居處於大地之中,對其所「見」、所「看」有「置身」於世的想像與其可能存有之樣態。因此,本文嘗試以環境`──心理來關照這地理學門中所主要探究之人與地之互動層面和關係。於此,筆者將以在大學通識教育中心所開設之「地理學通論」課程中之環境觀──心智圖(mental map)之系列作業操作,來探求這地理美學的可能。而在課堂操作中,我們發現:如此課程操作實是可以引導同學從自身之五感知覺出發並亦觸及其對於地方/空間之思考和其本質探問。再者,本初探亦是嘗試將地理學的學習融入美感教育,同時並亦使得學科之學習可以更具備博、雅、美之精髓和實踐。 此外,在國內地理學門的教學過程中亦甚少將美感教育融入其學科教育之精神和本質中,因此在此一系列課程操作我們發現若是將此一對於大地直觀指涉的美感經驗來嫁接地理教育和環境教育,應是可以更培養學生具備對環境觀察之敏銳度和更具關懷周遭環境的觀察力與探究之能力。 |
英文摘要 |
Geographical aesthetics reflects a view of the world. Humans are concerned about their nature and about where they belong. This paper uses environmental psychology to interpret the relationship between humans and land and the essence of Geography. A series mental map assignment is given to the students in an Introductory Geography class at a General Education Center. This involves the use of the five human senses to determine the essence of place or space. In Taiwan, aesthetics do not play a major role in Geography teaching. However, geographical aesthetics allow observations of the world that take account of the global world status quo and a sense of being. Using aesthetics for the teaching of geography and environmental studies allows students to consider their surroundings and encourages creative thinking in terms of practical matters for daily life. |
起訖頁 |
73-110 |
關鍵詞 |
地理美學、地理教育、環境教育、美感教育、通識教育、心智圖、geographical aesthetics、geography education、environmental education、aesthetics education、general education、mental map |
刊名 |
地理研究 |
期數 |
201705 (66期) |
出版單位 |
該期刊-上一篇 |
家在台北:香港專業移民在大臺北都會區的生活印記 |
該期刊-下一篇 |
臺灣香蕉外銷自由化之後的銷日香蕉生產、外銷和日本市場 |