地理研究 Journal of Geographical Research |
201005 (52期)期所有篇 |
- 永續發展教育脈絡探討:「聯合國永續發展教育十年計畫」之回顧 Towards the Context of Education for Sustainable Development : Reviewing of Contexts for 「United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (DESD,2005-2014)」
- 臺灣中小學生地圖繪製能力之探究:以2008年環境觀察能力測驗為例 Inquiry of the Elementary and High School students' Map-Drawing Ability : A Case Study on the 2008 Aptitude Test of Environment Observation
- 犯罪地圖繪製與熱區分析方法及其應用:以1998~2007年臺北市住宅竊盜犯罪為例 Crime Mapping and Hotspot Analysis : A Case Study of Tesidential Burglaries in Taipei City, 1998-2007
- 臺灣沿山地區檳榔業的生產空間與社會:以嘉義縣中埔鄉為例 The Production Space and Society of Betel Nuts along Hillside Taiwan : A Case Study of Chongpu Township, Chiayi