輔仁醫學期刊 Fu-Jen Journal of Medicine |
202403 (22:1期)期所有篇 |
- 邊緣性人格疾患之情緒敏感度與負向情感:論情緒調節的角色 Emotion sensitivity and negative affect in borderline personality disorder: role of emotion regulation
- 利用創新醫療器材卸針裝置及資訊傳遞系統提升醫療安全及使用者滿意度 Improving medical safety and user satisfaction through innovative medical care equipment needle removers and electronic information interchange
- 鑽孔手術治療慢性硬腦膜下血腫後蜘蛛網膜囊腫的消退-病例報告 Resolution of arachnoid cyst after development of chronic subdural hematoma and burr hole surgery - a case report
- 自發性顱內低壓頭痛使用硬腦膜外血液貼片治療發現硬腦膜外液體─病例報告 Cerebrospinal fluid in the epidural space accidental finding in spontaneous intracranial hypo-tension headache cured by epi-dural blood patch - case report
- 醫院牧關懷服務:推動 ”個人化接觸” Hospital pastoral care service: promo-tion of “High Touch”