英美文學評論 Review of English and American literature |
202306 (42期)期所有篇 |
- 與狼同行:從《愛爾蘭風土誌》及《狼行者》思考我他關係之流變 Running with Wolves: Rethinking the Self-Other Relationship through Topographia Hibernica and Wolfwalkers
- 論喬叟《磨坊匠的故事》中睦鄰的情感悖論 The Familiar Stranger: The Paradox of Neighborly Love in The Miller’s Tale
- 司摩利特和斯特恩的壯遊小說中的(不)好客與權力 In/Hospitality and Power in Tobias Smollett’s and Laurence Sterne’s Grand Tour Novels
- 病毒世紀:《至樂園》的末世想像與救贖希望 The Viral Century: Apocalyptic Imaginary and Hope for Redemption in To Paradise
- 芳妮的謙卑、審慎與旁觀者形象——評奧斯汀的《曼斯菲爾德莊園》 Fanny Price’s Humility, Prudence, and Image as a Spectator: A Review of Jane Austen’s Mansfield Park
- 盯視下的奇觀與日常:《月光石》與《法律與淑女》中的失能 Spectacles and Daily Life in Staring: Disabledness in Wilkie Collins’s The Moonstone and The Law and the Lady
- 從蘇格蘭高地清地論述探究十八、十九世紀進步史觀:《蘇格蘭高地的悲傷記憶》與《異國他鄉的陽光記憶》的論戰 Exploring the Progressive Views of History in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century through the Discourse of the Highland Clearances in Scotland: A Debate between Gloomy Memories in the Highlands of Scotland and Sunny Memories of Foreign Lands
- 農本傳統、靈性與希望生態詩學:諾曼.維茲巴之訪談錄 Agrarianism, Spirituality, and the Ecopoetics of Hope: A Conversation in Taiwan with Norman Wirzba