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英美文學評論 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

The Familiar Stranger: The Paradox of Neighborly Love in The Miller’s Tale
作者 吳育慶
Recent studies have emphasized the importance of the neighbor as a critical tool in reconstructing our understanding of medieval social lives and histories. This essay seeks to advance current discussions with a special focus on the topic of neighborly love in Chaucerian texts. It argues that while neighborly love, as it is described in Scripture, remains a crucial catalyst in forging a group identity through the practice of charity, the affect is simultaneously fueled by a high level of distrust and fear as a result of human competition and calculation. This paradoxical feature of neighborly love fluctuating between the familiar and the unfamiliar, between intimacy and hostility, has remained prominent in the medieval public discourse. Using Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales as its focus, this essay demonstrates that not only is Chaucer aware of such emotional paradox brought forth by neighborly love, but his commentaries are often provided in a backhanded manner with a muffled sneer. With the Miller’s Tale as its centerpiece, this essay argues that Chaucer manipulates the concept of neighbors and neighborly love as the source of social unrest, with which he exposes the fragility of communal bonds.
起訖頁 31-73
關鍵詞 鄰居理論情感的歷史喬叟社群毗鄰外密性neighbor theoryhistory of emotionsChaucercommunityproximityextimacy
刊名 英美文學評論  
期數 202306 (42期)
出版單位 中華民國英美文學學會
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