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In/Hospitality and Power in Tobias Smollett’s and Laurence Sterne’s Grand Tour Novels
作者 白思明
This paper examines the antagonism between Laurence Sterne’s and Tobias Smollett’s respective travel novels from the perspective of in/hospitality. Sterne’s Yorick is able to preserve sovereignty via legerdemain over the host/guest dynamic. His trick is to open up a provisional space where he becomes a temporary host. Smollett’s correspondent, by contrast, cedes power at the beginning in cross-cultural interaction, rendering himself impotent by limiting himself to the role of a passive recipient/consumer, or guest. Like many just now, Smollett’s correspondent lacks the tools to carve out an autonomous space in a strange environment with altered rules, so as to retain influence, agency, and power. A Sentimental Journey may present more than a solution or way out for the stymied tourist-narrator in Travels. Despite its mockery of Smollett’s epistolary travel novel, it is nevertheless a profoundly positive response to a serious cross-cultural problem. Sterne, through his vehicle, Yorick, provides an inventive and effective solution to lack of agency and power plaguing the tourist-consumer of hospitality, which may still resonate with travelers today.
起訖頁 75-100
關鍵詞 司摩利特斯特恩權力(不)好客跨文化尤瑞克SmollettSternepowerin/hospitalitycross-culture
刊名 英美文學評論  
期數 202306 (42期)
出版單位 中華民國英美文學學會
該期刊-上一篇 論喬叟《磨坊匠的故事》中睦鄰的情感悖論
該期刊-下一篇 病毒世紀:《至樂園》的末世想像與救贖希望




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