即逝現代性:肖像照.明信片.博物館 Ephemeral Modernity: Photoportraits, Postcards, and Museums
感受為憑:論英國維多利亞時期鬼故事中「理性現實」界限上的「感官知覺」殘餘 Feeling is Believing: On the Undue Sensation as Remainder at the Limit of Rational Reality in Victorian Ghost Stories
《輝煌慶典》中的維吉爾傳統與伊麗莎白崇拜 The Virgilian Tradition and the Cult of Elizabeth in 'The Magnificent Entertainment Given to King James'
這是誰的黃面孔?析論黃哲倫《枷鎖》與《黃面孔》的刻板形象操演 Who's Yellow Face? The Performativity of Yellow Face in David Henry Hwang's Bondage and Yellow Face
變易與交易:亞美詩人陳文平作品中的文化屬性與地方感性 (Ex)change: Cultural Identity and Sense of Place in the Poetry of Chin Woon Ping
空間/歷史的多重論證與「地方」的後邊陲追尋:讀姬蘭.德賽 The Problematic of Space, History, and Place: Kiran Desai's 'The Inheritance of Loss'
從後九一一反恐戰爭到日本原爆:卡美拉.森絲《灼痕》中的政治、創傷與離散倫理 From the War on Terror to Atomic Bombing in Japan: Politics, Trauma, and Diasporic Ethics in Kamila Shamsie's 'Burnt Shadows'
跨海旅行與敘述發現:康姆《北美之旅》中的新英格蘭 Voyaging across the Atlantic and Narrating Discovery: Peter Kalm's Delineation of New England in 'Travels in North America'