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英美文學評論 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

(Ex)change: Cultural Identity and Sense of Place in the Poetry of Chin Woon Ping
作者 張錦忠
離散馬來西亞詩人學者陳文平(Chin Woon Ping)以英文書寫,作品多呈現地方感性與歷史意識。詩人藉由書寫家園與離散歷程思索族裔認同與文化屬性等課題,詩中再現離散者的記憶、夢境、生命經驗。 陳文平在馬六甲出生,後移居美國,多年來往返跨越亞美洲之間的地理疆界,作品富文本糅雜性,不少詩作多語並呈,表達了變易居所、跨語與跨文化的主題,誠為離散詩學的佳例。本文以陳文平的兩部詩集《化作茶花曲》(The Naturalization of Camellia Song)及《在慈母夢中》(In My Mother's Dream)為主,細讀其中若干詩作,分析這些文本如何反映離散者在不同家園、英語與母語、原鄉文化與移居國文化之間,面對變易與交易的可能與不可能性。
There is a recurring sense of place and history in the poetry of diasporic Malaysian scholar-writer Chin Woon Ping. In writing about places home and abroad in her poems, Chin Woon Ping expresses her reflections on the questions of ethnic and cultural identities through representing memories, dreams, and relations in the life experience of a Malaysian and migrant, who crosses geographical and imaginative boundaries over the past decades. Chin, who was born in Melaka, frequently returned to Malaysia and Singapore after becoming an Asian American writer. Her diasporic and transnational identity contributes to her poetry by expressing a textual hybridity and a strong sense of changing places or being out of place as well as by illuminating the translingual and transcultural nature of a poetics of diaspora. My reading will trace and recount the change and/or exchange between her first and second homelands, English and mother tongue, as well as migrated and native cultures. The paper will interpret Chin Woon Ping's poems from two of her collections: ”The Naturalization of Camellia Song” and ”In My Mother's Dream”.
起訖頁 167-187
關鍵詞 陳文平離散地方感性文化屬性波兮亞Chin Woon Pingdiasporasense of placecultural identityJean Baudrillard
刊名 英美文學評論  
期數 201212 (21期)
出版單位 中華民國英美文學學會
該期刊-上一篇 這是誰的黃面孔?析論黃哲倫《枷鎖》與《黃面孔》的刻板形象操演
該期刊-下一篇 空間/歷史的多重論證與「地方」的後邊陲追尋:讀姬蘭.德賽




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