中文摘要 |
美國大眾小說作家迪恩.昆茲 (Dean Koontz)所寫的《科學怪人》(Frankenstein, 2005)是以十九世紀瑪莉.雪萊(Mary Shelley)的同名小說為藍本,將科學怪人與科學家維克多.法蘭肯斯坦(Victor Frankenstein)之間的仇恨對決,從十九世紀的歐洲山城搬到了二十一世紀的美國紐奧良。在紐奧良,維克多成了將他的「生化改造人(cyborg)科技」發揚光大的邪惡科學家;他藉由寫入絕對服從之電腦程式來控制他的改造人及他們每天的日常生活與行為活動。而維克多希望藉由他的「新種後人類」(New Race, Posthuman),來取代現有的「舊人類」,並進而統治全世界,除了科學怪人與維克多外,另一個焦點人物為維克多的生化改造人妻子愛瑞卡(Erika)。維克多對她一有不滿意,就立即「賜死」,並不斷地「改造」及「汰換」她。這些生化人對內建程式指令所產生的「差異突變」以及自我移動的逃脫路徑,對維克多已載入他們腦海中之電腦自動控制的領域,會有什麼樣的效應及衝擊呢?此種「自我中心」的機制與器官感知能否脫離「身體」而獨立存在嗎?本文章主要運用德勒茲(Gilles Deleuze)的論點,來探討昆茲的《科學怪人》裡的「後人類」,這些「後人類」對於臣服於維克多之電腦指令控制下的日常生活,相對地興起的極欲逃脫電腦程式操控及受縛的「欲望」,「欲望」是如何在「領域化」(territorialization)及「去領域化」(deterritorialization)之間游移?並如何與無羈絆的「無器官的身體」產生作用?在昆茲的描述下,科技改造人愛瑞卡在每次的「重生」之後的「短暫生命」期間,也學會了在日常生活中,表達思考以及變得越來越具有「舊人類」探索生命本質的一個半機器的生化人。循此而觀,具有「後性別」生化科技合成身軀並具表達權力意志思維的愛瑞卡,仍是個受男性宰制的「生成中的女人」(becoming-woman)嗎?而在「她」多次的生命開展過程中,對於其規律的日常生活環境可以呈現出什麼樣的差異的「逃逸路徑」?而這種具流動與可變性的「逃逸路徑」與「(去)領域化」有何關連? |
英文摘要 |
”Frankenstein” (2005), written by American pop fiction writer Dean Koontz, is a novel based on the plot of Mary Shelley's nineteenth-century classic of the same title. In Koontz's ”Frankenstein”, Victor and his monster still continue to hold the grudge against each other even in the twenty-first-century New Orleans. Moreover, Victor desires to substitute the ”old” human species with a ”new race of post-human” that he creates in order to rule the whole world. How can the ”mutation” of these cyborgs and their escaping path affect Victor's territorial construction of his cyborgs empire? Can their built-in ”autism” exist independently and be abstracted from their artificial ”body”?This paper aims to use Deleuzian approach to explore cyborg's everyday life in this Koontz's novel. These cyborgs try to escape from the daily and routine life manipulated by computer programs. More important, the cyborg wife Erika gradually learns to express ”her” thought and explore the meaning of being a human each time after ”she” is ”resurrected” from ”her” transient span of life. Is Erika, with a prosthetic body and a powerful free will, still a becoming-woman subjected to man's control? In ”her” multiple processes of unfolding life, what kind of diversified lines of flight can be presented in ”her” repetitive everyday life? How can these flowing lines of flight associate with deterritorialization? |