住院安胎婦女焦慮及其預測因子 Predictors of Anxiety in Hospitalized Women Undergoing Tocolysis
偏鄉民眾攝取,我的餐盤政策之概況與影響因素 The Adoption of My Plate Policy and Associated Factors in Rural Adults
收治一位疑似,新型冠狀病毒肺炎之急性精神科病患防疫經驗 Lessons Learned from an Acutely Psychotic Patient with Suspected COVID-19 Infection
新冠狀病毒流行期間,運用多元教學策略於校園的婦嬰實習 Applying Multidimensional Teaching Method for Maternity and Infant Nursing Practice On-Campus During COVID-19 Pandemic
運用心智圖,提升手術室護理人員執行肺臟移植手術護理之完整性 Use Mind Map to Improve the Integrity of Executing Perioperative Nursing for Lung Transplantation Operation
應用Natural Helper Model提升失智據點服務成效之推動經驗 Utilize Natural Helper Model to Enhance the Effectiveness and Impact of Dementia Cognitive Rehabilitation Services
提升護理人員,執行骨科下肢術後病人復健護理指導之完整性 Improving the Completeness of Implementing Rehabilitation Nursing Guidance for Patients Receiving Orthopedic Lower Limb Surgery
照護一位青少年,接受移植術後發生排斥合併感染之護理經驗 Nursing Experience of Caring the Teenager who Suffered from Rejection Combined with Infection after Transplantation
照顧一位腦中風個案之護理經驗 A Nursing Experience of Caring a Patient with Ischemic Stroke
照護一位活體肝臟移植手術前行血漿置換病人之加護經驗 Experience of Intensive Care in a Patient with Plasma Exchange before Liver Transplantation