長庚護理 Chang Gung Nursing |
201603 (27:1期)期所有篇 |
- 護理人員內外控特質對生涯壓力之影響:兼論組織生涯支持的中介效應 A Study on Teaching Hospital Nurses’ Locus of Control and Career Stress: The Mediating Effects of Organizational Career Support
- 兒童虐待課程對護生之兒虐知識與通報傾向之成效 The Effects of Child Abuse Course on Knowledge and Intended Reporting Behaviors Regarding Child Abuse in Nursing Students
- 臨床護理教育的挑戰與省思 Challenges and Reflections of Clinical Nursing Education
- 提升加護護理人員術後病人立即性照護認知及技能之專案 A Project to Enhance ICU Nurses’ Knowledge and Skills of Providing Immediate Postoperative Care
- 提昇非小細胞肺癌病人手術後接受輔助性治療率之專案 The Project of Elevating The Rate of Receiving Adjuvant Chemotherapy in Patients with Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
- 提升護理人員跨單位支援之工作滿意度方案 Measures to Enhance the Job Satisfaction of Nursing Personnel at Cross-unit Support
- 提升照服員協助長期臥床病人被動關節運動之專案 Increasing Nurse Aide’s implementing of Passive Range of Motion on Bedridden Patients
- 一位「立談之間」同意捐贈之活體肝臟捐贈者的護理經驗 The Nursing Care Experience of a Living Liver Donor Who Decided to Donate Immediately
- 一位口腔癌合併蕈狀傷口患者的照護經驗 The Nursing Experience of an Oral Cancer Patient with Fungating Wound
- 一位氣喘病人呼吸衰竭之緊急照護經驗 The Emergent Care Experience of an Asthma Patient with Respiratory Failure
- 運用組合式照護於老年人中風後合併肺炎之護理經驗 Nursing Experience of Applying Bundle Care in an Elderly Patient with Pneumonia after Stroke
- 照護一位口腔癌病人手術後期間之護理經驗 Nursing Care Experience for a Patient with Oral Cavity Cancer Postoperative
- 照護一位血液透析病人合併不寧腿症候群之護理經驗 Nursing Experience of a Hemodialysis Patient with Restless Leg Syndrome
- 照顧一位外籍勞工斷指重建失敗後截肢之護理經驗 Nursing Experience of Caring for a Foreign Worker Undergoing Amputation after the Failed Severed Finger Replantation