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Challenges and Reflections of Clinical Nursing Education
作者 伍碧琦 (Pi-Chi Wu)周汎澔李碧娥
Clinical nursing education directly affects the outcome of patient care and will increase its commitment to the nursing profession. Schools that provide nursing education need to develop higher standards for continuing clinical education. With a changing social environment and the development of information technology, coupled with the impact of emerging infectious diseases and evidence-based medicine, curriculum design and a new arrangement of nursing continuing education is required in order to fulfill the needs of the future. Instructors should design courses from novice to expert with innovative teaching techniques to increase self-learning that consider the life experience of their students and include goal-oriented adult learning within a curriculum design and an appreciation of the class time and place. Consideration should also be given to family responsibilities, physical abilities, and other individual factors. Increased support is needed from institutions, executives, and peers who have the ability to enhance clinical care and assist new staff in adapting to and enhancing the professional development of senior personnel while strengthening their clinical teaching ability and expanding their knowledge and experience in order to continue the process of continued nursing care and professional standards.
起訖頁 026-033
關鍵詞 臨床護理臨床護理教育創新教學成人學習理論clinical nursingclinical nursing educationinnovative teachingadult learning theory
刊名 長庚護理  
期數 201603 (27:1期)
出版單位 財團法人長庚紀念醫院
DOI 10.3966/102673012016032701003   複製DOI
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