長庚護理 Chang Gung Nursing |
201012 (21:4期)期所有篇 |
- 技術混合照護模式下護理人員自覺護理活動之改變 The Changes of Nurses’ Perception of Nursing Activity in the Skill-Mixed Model
- E化五級檢傷分類系統教育訓練對檢傷護理人員之影響 Effect of Education Programs of Electronic Five Levels Triage System on Triage Nurses
- 心肺容積監視器於敗血性休克病人的臨床應用 The Clinical Application of Pulse-induced Contour Cardiac Output (PiCCO) in Septic Shock Patients
- 從多元角度看婦女作月子習俗 Multiple Viewpoints in “Doing the Month”
- 病人隱私權保護和公眾權利的衝突--以臺灣病人個案分析為中心 The Conflict between Public Right and Patient’s Right to Privacy - A Case Study of Patients in Taiwan
- 精神科門診就診模式與品質改善專案 The Improvement of Visiting Process and Quality for the Psychiatric Outpatients
- 某醫學中心婦產科門診醫療服務品質改善專案 A Project of Improving the Gynecology-outpatient Services Quality in a Medical Center
- 一位臍尿管癌復發且合併腸阻塞患者之護理經驗 A Nursing Experience of an Urachal Cancer Recurrence-related Bowel Obstruction Patient
- 照顧脊柱側彎之學齡兒童接受脊椎手術的護理經驗 The Nursing Experience of a School-aged Child with Scoliosis Receiving the Spinal Surgery
- 運用紐曼護理模式協助一位未婚少女照護極低體重早產兒的護理經驗 Nursing Experience of Using Newman System Model to Assist an Unmarried Teenage Girl to Take Care of a Premature Baby of the Extremely Low Body Weight
- 照顧一位應力性尿失禁婦女術後之護理經驗 The Nursing Experience of Caring a Female Surgery Patient Suffered from Stress Incontinence
- 一位接受人工關節置換術病人之護理經驗 The Experience of Nursing Care of Patient Undergoing Left Total Knee Replacement
- 照顧一位多次骨髓炎復發行膝下截肢病人之護理經驗 The Nursing Experience of a Multiple Recurrent Osteomyelitis Patient Receiving Below-Knee Amputation
- 協助一位發燒病童越南籍母親降低焦慮之泛文化護理經驗 Transcultural Nursing Experience: Assisting a Vietnamese Mother with a Febrile Child to Reduce Anxiety
- 劇烈運動後產生橫紋肌溶解症併發急性腎衰竭病患之急診護理經驗 The Emergency Nursing Experience of a Patient with Rhabdomyolysis with Acute Renal Failure after Strenuous Exercises