長庚護理 Chang Gung Nursing |
200906 (20:2期)期所有篇 |
- 影響失智症家庭照顧者其照顧酬賞與照顧品質的相關因素之探討 Influencing factors of Caregiving Rewards and Quality of Care for Family Caregivers of Patients with Dementia
- 社區老人使用行動輔具的現況、態度、滿意度及其相關因素之探討 The Current Status, Attitude, and Satisfaction of Mobility Aids Utilization in the Communitydwelling Elderly
- 原住民籍照顧服務員工作壓力源、工作生活品質、工作滿足感及其相關因素之研究 Exploring Sources of Working Stress, Quality of Working Life, and Job Satisfaction among Aboriginal Nurse Aides
- 大學生生活滿意度量表之信效度 Validation of the Life Satisfaction Scale in College Students
- 外傷病患的健康相關生活品質--文獻探討 Health-Related Quality of Life of Traumatic Injury Patients: Review of the Literature
- 從生理觀點探討血液透析患者的口渴因素 Physiological Viewpoint of Thirst in Hemodialysis Patients
- 孕期臥床安胎之評析 A Critique of Bed Rest for Tocolysis during Pregnancy
- 門診病人大腸鏡檢查護理指導之改善專案 A Study for Improving the Nursing Instruction of Outpatient Colonoscopy
- 手術室護理人員執行術前訪視服務之專案 Pre-operative Assessment of Nursing Staff in Operation Room
- 運用治療性遊戲協助一位學齡前期支氣管肺炎病童接受胸腔物理治療之成效 The Effectiveness of Applying Therapeutic Play to Help a Preschooler with Bronchopneumonia to Accept Chest Physiotherapy
- 一位接受冠狀動脈繞道手術病人合併肺炎之護理經驗 An Experience of Nursing a Patient Who Underwent a Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) Procedure and Pneumonia Complication
- 照護一位接受人工受孕住院安胎孕婦之護理經驗 The Nursing Experience of an Artificially Fertilized Pregnant Woman Undergoing Tocolysis in Hospital
- 一位鏈球菌毒素休克症候群病童之加護護理經驗 Nursing Care Experiences of a Child with Streptococcal Toxic Shock Syndrome
- 一位罹患自發性腸穿孔早產兒的護理經驗 The Nursing Experience of Caring for a Premature Infant with Spontaneous Intestinal Perforation