長庚護理 Chang Gung Nursing |
201203 (23:1期)期所有篇 |
- 八段錦運動介入對北部更年期婦女症狀困擾及骨質含量之成效探討 The Effects of Baduanjin Sport on Perimenopausal Disturbances and Bone Mineral Content among Perimenopausal Women
- 住院病人對護理服務重視程度與滿意度之相關性探討—以桃園二所地區教學醫院為例 The Relationship between Value and Satisfaction Toward Nursing Service- A Study of Two Regional Teaching Hospitals in Taoyuan
- 周產期母乳哺育指導與產婦執行24小時親子同室之相關性 The Impact of Perinatal Breastfeeding Practices on Implementation of the 24 -Hour Rooming-In Program
- 隨機化研究設計及其衍生樣本流失之處理策略 Managing Attrition in Randomized Research Design
- 隱私權之概念分析 Right to Privacy: A Concept Analysis
- 提昇急診護理人員口服給藥作業正確性 Improvement on the Correctness of Oral Medication Dispending Process by Staff Nurses in the Emergency Department
- 心臟外科病人藥物指導完整性之改善專案 Medication Instruction Improvement Project for Cardiac Surgical Patients
- 找回生活動力:一位失智老人的護理經驗 Regain the Meaning of Life: Nursing Experience of a Dementia Elderly
- 運用Orem理論照顧一位放射線治療頭頸癌病人之護理經驗 The Nursing Experience of Applying Orem Theory for Caring a Patient with Head and Neck Cancer while Receiving Radiation Therapy
- 運用關懷理論於一位口腔癌末期病人之護理經驗 A Nursing Experience Applying the Watson's Caring Theory to a Patient with Terminal Oral Cancer
- 協助一位因疑似約會強暴導致陰道裂傷年輕女性的急診護理經驗 Nursing Experience of Assistance to a Young Female with Vaginal Laceration Caused by Possible Date Rape
- 協助一位中年婦女面對配偶自殺瀕死之護理經驗 The Nursing Experience of Helping a Middle-aged Woman Facing the Dying of Spouse from Suicide
- 環境治療於慢性精神分裂病人漫遊的護理經驗 Nursing Experience: Environment Therapy on the Wandering of a Chronic Schizophrenia Patient
- 運用充能協助一個慢性精神分裂症患者家庭之護理經驗 Nursing Experience of Using Empowerment to Assist the Family of a Chronic Schizophrenia Patient