管理評論 Management Review |
200210 (21:4期)期所有篇 |
- 臺灣金融業的壞帳管理及相關研究 Empirical Study on Banking Industry Bad Debt Management in Taiwan
- 兩性採用資訊科技的徑路比較 A Path Comparison of Information Technology Adoption between Gender
- 提昇製造部門的積極性——資訊硬體產業之實證 Enhancing Manufacturing Proactiveness: An Empirical Research of Information Hardware Industry
- 組織變革動能成因及對變革成效之影響研究 Research on Antecedents and Consequences of Readiness-for-Change
- 人力資源管理活動認知與員工態度、績效之關聯性差異分析——心理契約與社會交換觀點 The Study of Differential Relationships between Human Resource Management Practices Perception and Employees' Attitude and Performance: Psychological Contract and Social Exchange Perspectives
- 當代行銷觀念新思維:市場導向理論的回顧與評價 New Thinking of Contemporary Marketing Concept: A Review and Evaluation of Market Orientation Theory