戶外遊憩研究 Journal of Outdoor Recreation Study |
201412 (27:4期)期所有篇 |
- 廣告主張結構對旅遊產品溝通效果之影響——經驗類比與傳染機制之探討 The Impact of Advertising Claim Structure on Communication Effectiveness for Tourism Products — Investigation on Experiential Analogy and Contagion Mechanism
- 企業冠名賽會的情感依附:前因與後果之探究 Emotional Attachment to a Title-Sponsorship Sport Event: Exploring its Antecedents and Consequences
- 襲產觀光遊客環境負責任行為前置變數之研究:以真實性、懷舊情感與場所依戀觀點探討之 Antecedents of Environmentally Responsible Behavior in Heritage Tourism: From the Viewpoints of Authenticity Perception, Nostalgia Emotion, and Place Attachment
- 從觀光凝視到旅居實作:一個臺灣和日本遊學生的比較民族誌研究 From Tourist Gaze to Sojourning Practice: A Comparative Ethnographic Study of Taiwanese Students in Tokyo and Japanese Students in Taipei