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The Impact of Advertising Claim Structure on Communication Effectiveness for Tourism Products — Investigation on Experiential Analogy and Contagion Mechanism
作者 蔡佳靜 (Chia-Ching Karen Tsai)王冠偉
This research focuses on tourism products and uses experimental design to investigate how to communicate travel experiences with consumers. Study 1 not only applies advertising claim structure to tourism products, but also includes experiential analogy in advertising claim structure to investigate the impact of advertising claim structure and involvement on communication effectiveness. The results show experiential analogy is the most effective among the three advertising claim structures, especially for consumers with low involvement. Study 2 probes deeper into experiential analogy. Because the base experience and subject are juxtaposed during experiential analogy, this research introduces contagion theory to explore the impact of preference for the base experience and the priming of a contagion mechanism on communication effectiveness. The findings indicate the favorable base preference is more effective than the less-favorable one, and that the priming of a contagion mechanism is more effective than un-priming of a contagion mechanism especially when a less-favorable base preference is present.
起訖頁 1-28
關鍵詞 廣告主張結構經驗類比涉入程度基準經驗偏好傳染機制Advertising claim structureExperiential analogyInvolvementPreference for the base experienceContagion mechanism
刊名 戶外遊憩研究  
期數 201412 (27:4期)
出版單位 中華民國戶外遊憩學會
該期刊-下一篇 企業冠名賽會的情感依附:前因與後果之探究




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