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Emotional Attachment to a Title-Sponsorship Sport Event: Exploring its Antecedents and Consequences
作者 徐世同 (Shih-Tung Shu)高俊雄張景弘
Past studies have barely investigated the antecedents and consequences of sport event attachment. Based on the Psychological Continuum Model (PCM), this study explored the impacts of participants’ self-image congruency with sponsoring brand, destination attraction, event familiarity, and flow experience on emotional attachment to an event in a title sponsorship context. Furthermore, we examined the mediating effect of emotional attachment between these four antecedents and intention to re-participate in the event. Data with 155 valid samples were collected from participants of the 2011 BaGua Mountain Merida Cup & Bicycle Festival. PLS path modeling with Smart-PLS 2.0M3 was employed to test these relationships. The results indicated that participants’ self-image congruency with sponsoring brand, destination attraction, event familiarity and flow experience have positive effects on their emotional attachment to the event, inclining them to want to re-participate. Participant emotional attachment to the event played a critical mediating role on the relationships between the four antecedents and loyalty attitude. The managerial implications of this study offer insights for both companies holding title sponsorships and local governments advancing destination marketing.
起訖頁 29-58
關鍵詞 情感依附冠名贊助景點吸引力心流體驗賽會熟悉度Emotional attachmentTitle sponsorshipDestination attractionFlow experienceEvent familiarity
刊名 戶外遊憩研究  
期數 201412 (27:4期)
出版單位 中華民國戶外遊憩學會
該期刊-上一篇 廣告主張結構對旅遊產品溝通效果之影響——經驗類比與傳染機制之探討
該期刊-下一篇 襲產觀光遊客環境負責任行為前置變數之研究:以真實性、懷舊情感與場所依戀觀點探討之




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