輔導與諮商學報 The Journal of Guidance & Counseling |
201511 (37:2期)期所有篇 |
- 國小教師參與親子遊戲治療訓練團體之經驗探究 A Study on the Experiences of Filial Therapy Training Groupwith Elementary School Teachers
- 焦點解決取向團體輔導對高職學生戒菸成效之研究─計畫行為理論之應用 Study on the Effects of Solution-Focused Approach Group Guidance on Smoking Cessation among the Students of Vocational High Schools: Application of the Theory of Planned Behaviors
- 心理助人工作者「同理失衡量表」之編製 The Development of Empathic Strain Scale for Psychological Helpers
- 「靶子論壇」、辯證詮釋與「互為主體」 Forum for Discussion on Target Article%2C Dialectical Hermeneutics and Intersubjectivity
- 從個人研究的自我省思到華人學術社群的主體性提升 Find out the Sufficient Way to Enhance Subjectivities of Individual Chinese Researchers and Chinese Academic Communities
- 多重哲學典範:彈性運用還是發展過程? Multi-Paradigmatic Research Strategy: Pragmatic Flexibility or Developmental Necessity?
- 「實在論的心理學」與「主體的辯證」 Psychology of Realism and Dialectic of Subjectivity