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Study on the Effects of Solution-Focused Approach Group Guidance on Smoking Cessation among the Students of Vocational High Schools: Application of the Theory of Planned Behaviors
作者 黃秀媚李景美 (Ching-Mei Lee)
本研究目的旨在以短期輔導研發一套青少年戒菸團體輔導方案,並探討對高職吸菸學生的戒菸 成效。研究方法採不相等準實驗設計,以立意取樣有意願配合實驗計畫的臺北市私立高級職業學校 兩所,分實驗組(10 人)及對照組(13 人)兩組。團體輔導應用計畫行為理論與焦點解決取向,包 含六個單元、計十二節課。本研究以卡方檢定、共變數分析法與配對t 檢定法進行資料分析。結果 發現,經團體輔導介入後,可顯著提升實驗組自訂戒菸目標與不吸菸意願,具有立即與延宕效果。 團體輔導實驗介入,兩組每日最大吸菸量比較具立即與延宕效果,戒菸自我效能及態度具有立即效 果,戒菸知識、尼古丁依賴程度與計畫行為理論其他相關變項比較皆未達顯著水準。兩組減菸率比 較具有延宕效果。本研究提出青少年戒菸輔導實務與未來研究兩方面的建議,提供未來實務及研究 之參考。
The purposes of this study were to develop feasible cessation group guidance program and to explore the effects of the program intervention among the smoking students of vocational high schools. The study was designed with unequal quasi-experiment. The sampling schools were selected purposively by their own wills to participate in the study. The student participants involved in this program were private vocational high school students in Taipei City. The subjects included an experimental group (10 students), and an out-school control group (13 students). The group guidance program was designed based on the theory of Planned Behaviors and Solution- Focused Brief Therapy by the researcher. The program consisted of six units and twelve fifty-minutes sessions. The control group didn’t participate in any group guidance. The data was analyzed by χ2, analysis of covariance (ANCOVA), and paired t test. The main findings of the study were as follows. The group guidance intervention could significantly enhance the goal-setting of cessation and elevate non-smoking willingness both in terms of immediately and prolong effects among the experimental members. The group guidance intervention had immediate and prolong effects on daily smoking amount, and had immediate effects on self-efficacy and attitudes regarding cessation. The group guidance intervention didn’t indicate significant differences on knowledge of cessation, nicotine dependence, and the variables of the Theory of Planned Behaviors between the two groups. The intervention could significantly enhance the point rate of reducing smoking in terms of prolong effect. However, the intervention couldn’t affect the point rates of cessation. The suggestions regarding cessation guidance practice and future studies among adolescents are provided.
起訖頁 023-055
關鍵詞 戒菸計畫行為理論焦點解決取向團體輔導學生cessationgroup guidancesolution-focusedstudenttheory of planned behaviors
刊名 輔導與諮商學報  
期數 201511 (37:2期)
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學輔導與諮商學系
該期刊-上一篇 國小教師參與親子遊戲治療訓練團體之經驗探究
該期刊-下一篇 心理助人工作者「同理失衡量表」之編製




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