教育研究與發展期刊 Journal Of Educational Research And Development |
201409 (10:3期)期所有篇 |
- 當代分布式領導在教育領導之發展與應用 The Development and Application of Contemporary Distributed Leadership in the Field of Education Leadership
- 澳門非高等教育私立學校新教學人員工作表現評核校本制度的分析 Analysis of the New Teaching Performance Assessment System for Private School Teaching Staff of Non-Tertiary Education in Macao
- 新移民與非新移民子女的家庭社經地位、家庭文化資本與家庭氣氛之縱貫性研究 A Longitudinal Study of the Socio-Economic Status, Cultural Capital and Family Atmosphere of Immigrant and Native Students
- 現階段高中職餐旅群師資供需與素質之問題分析 Analysis on the Current Issues and Problems of Supply and Demand of Qualified Teachers of Hospitality and Tourism Education at the Secondary Level
- 跨越語言疆界的教育:盧森堡多語教育實踐及其啟示 Education Crossing Linguistic Boundaries: The Study of the Case of the Multilingual Education of Luxembourg and Its Implications