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Education Crossing Linguistic Boundaries: The Study of the Case of the Multilingual Education of Luxembourg and Its Implications
作者 洪如玉 (Ruyu Hung)
Luxembourg is a very small country but has a very international and extremely wealthy society. The country has a very special trilingual school-system, in which most students are educated to master three languages including Luxembourgish, German and French. This paper aims to describe the current language education situation in Luxembourg and to reveal social and historical contexts. There is a close relationship between the multi- or trilingual educational situation and high level of internationalization of Luxembourg. It may not be appropriate to simply transplant the Luxembourgish model on Taiwan. However, the understanding of the context and the current implementation of the Luxembourgish multilingual education may provide great insights for the enhancement of internationalization of education in Taiwan. Overall this paper proposes four conclusions: 1) Luxembourgish is taken as the fortress of identity of Luxembourg culturally, linguistically and politically; 2) Luxembourgish is the basis of the national identity; 3) the multilingual environment makes Luxembourg a core member of the EU; and 4) the multilingual environment makes Luxembourg an inclusive lingual-cultural society. Based on the above, the author makes five suggestions for improving our foreign language education: 1) localization and internationalization should be seen as complementary dialectics; 2) foreign language education should put more attention on the aspect of language as a medium; 3) the curriculum and pedagogy of foreign language education can be more flexible; 4) foreign language education should introduce languages other than English; and 5) languages of neighboring countries should be included in the field of foreign language education to enrich cultural understanding of our students.
起訖頁 125-146
關鍵詞 盧森堡教育制度多語教育三語教育國際化educational institutionalizationLuxembourgmultilingual educationtrilingual educationinternationalization
刊名 教育研究與發展期刊  
期數 201409 (10:3期)
出版單位 國家教育研究院
DOI 10.3966/181665042014091003005   複製DOI
該期刊-上一篇 現階段高中職餐旅群師資供需與素質之問題分析




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