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Analysis on the Current Issues and Problems of Supply and Demand of Qualified Teachers of Hospitality and Tourism Education at the Secondary Level
作者 楊百世
This study adopted documentary analysis and focus group to address the issues and problems of supply and demand of qualified teachers of hospitality and tourism programs at secondary level. The major findings of this study include the fact that there is an urgent demand of qualified teachers of hospitality and tourism programs due to the expeditious development of such programs in Taiwan. The existing teacher training programs produce far insufficient numbers of qualified teachers for private high schools; therefore, a concern about the quality of education has been discussed in the recent years. According to a governmental report, the qualification of teachers of H & T program at secondary level is in the lowest ranks. In order to alleviate this critical issue, the government decided to take action through legislation on the qualification of certified teachers. Moreover, current teachers are encouraged to go back to university to receive in-service trainings However, effects of such initiatives are limited due to low enrollment. The results of the study will provide the related departments with information how to increase effectiveness of the training.
起訖頁 095-124
關鍵詞 餐旅群師資供需師資素質hospitality and tourism educationteacher educationqualification of teachers
刊名 教育研究與發展期刊  
期數 201409 (10:3期)
出版單位 國家教育研究院
DOI 10.3966/181665042014091003004   複製DOI
該期刊-上一篇 新移民與非新移民子女的家庭社經地位、家庭文化資本與家庭氣氛之縱貫性研究
該期刊-下一篇 跨越語言疆界的教育:盧森堡多語教育實踐及其啟示




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