教育研究與發展期刊 Journal Of Educational Research And Development |
201309 (9:3期)期所有篇 |
- 科技大學教師評鑑影響性評估量表發展之研究 A Study on the Development of Faculty Evaluation Influence Assessment Scale for Universities of Science and Technology
- 高等教育政策工具之探析:大學評鑑結果與政府經費分配之連結 An Analysis of Policy Instruments for Higher Education: The Connection between the Results of University Evaluation and the Allocation of Funding
- 公民素養融入大學通識課程之實踐經驗研究:以「探究多元文化中的自我」課程為例 On the Research of Infusing Civic Literacy into a General Education Curriculum: An Example of “Self-Exploring within a Multicultural Context”
- 創業精神與大學發展 Study on Entrepreneurship and Development of Universities
- 我國教育實習制度設計之結構邏輯分析 Structual Logic Analysis on the Education Practicum Institution Design in Taiwan
- 校長教練式領導相關概念、研究與啟示 The Concept and Research of Principal Coaching-Based Leadership and Its Implications