人文社會科學研究 NPUST Humanities and Social Science Research
202109 (15:3期)期所有篇
「做」簡單,「教」很難:照顧實務指導員試辦計畫之行動研究 It's Easy to Do, but It's Hard to Teach: Action Research on Pilot Project of the Care Practice Instructor
義工社會支持、工作價值觀與參與動機對工作滿意影響之研究:以佛光山為例 A Study of the Effects of Volunteers' Social Support, Job Values, and Motivation on Job Satisfaction-Fo Guang Shan as an Example
近代男性知識分子的性別論述與矛盾:以梁啟超五四前後的婦女與女權思想為例 Modern Male Intellectuals' Gender Discourse and Their Oxymorons: A Case of Liang Qichao's Ideas about Women and Women's Rights from the Late Qing Dynasty to the May Fourth Era