教育研究學報 Journal of Education Studies |
201504 (49:1期)期所有篇 |
- 校外實習生之組織社會化模型建立:以大專校院餐旅系為例 Developing Organizational Socialization Model for Hospitality Internship
- 台灣國三生原漢族群與其他出身背景透過社會資本、文化資本、財務資本對學業成就之影響 The Effects of Aborigines and Hans, and Other Backgrounds through Social, Cultural, and Financial Capitals on the Ninth Graders' Academic Achievement in Taiwan
- 合作式摘要教學對六年級學生摘要能力之影響研究 A Study of Combining Cooperative Learning and Summarization instruction to Facilitate Sixth Graders' Summarization Ability
- 臺北市國小普通班實施適應欠佳學生轉介前介入之調查研究 A Study of the Implementation of the Pre-referral Intervention for Maladjusted Students in Taipei Municipal Elementary Schools
- 跨組織共學社群之實踐:關照幼兒園課程轉型之教保人員情緒 The Practice of a Co-learning Community: Dealing with Preschool Staff Emotions During Curriculum Reform
- 身體的轉化:日治時期蕃童教育所體操科之研究 The Transformation of Body: The Study of Gymnastics of Primary Indigenous Educational Institution in Japanese Colonial Period