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The Effects of Aborigines and Hans, and Other Backgrounds through Social, Cultural, and Financial Capitals on the Ninth Graders' Academic Achievement in Taiwan
作者 蕭仲廷 (Zhong-Ting Xiao)黃毅志 (Yih-Jyh Hwang)



In Taiwan, there are many researches to explore the effects of students backgrounds through mediations on their academic achievement. However, there are few studies to focus on the influences of Aborigines and Hans. This study is to use the national data of Taiwan Education Panel Survey (TEPS) with the ninth graders as sampling. The purpose of this studies to analyze the causal mechanism of Aborigines and Hans, and other background variables through social, cultural, and financial capitals as mediation on the ninth graders academic achievement. This study indicates that the more mothers involvement, parental educational expectation, academic assistance from school, cramming, and educational equipment they have, the more advantageous academic achievement they get. The full score of the academic grades is 71 scores, whereas the average of aboriginal students academic grades is lower 10.1 scores than Min-nans. The meaning of 5.33 scores in 10.1 scores is explained the reason why the aboriginal family background is lower than Hans, and weaker parental education expectation, less academic assistance from schools, less cramming, as well as less educational equipment at home.

起訖頁 029-054
關鍵詞 原漢族群社會資本文化資本財務資本學業成就Aborigines and Hanssocial capitalcultural capitalfinancial capitalacademic achievement
刊名 教育研究學報  
期數 201504 (49:1期)
出版單位 國立臺南大學教育學院
DOI 10.3966/199044282015044901002   複製DOI
該期刊-上一篇 校外實習生之組織社會化模型建立:以大專校院餐旅系為例
該期刊-下一篇 合作式摘要教學對六年級學生摘要能力之影響研究




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