臺大歷史學報 Bulletin of the Department of History of National Taiwan University
201706 (59期)期所有篇
靖康前後日常秩序的變調──李綱的行跡與視角 Convulsions of the Social Order during the Northern-Southern Song Transition: Testimony from the Travels of Li Gang
兩幅耶穌會士的聖母聖像──兼論明末天主教的「宗教」 Two Jesuit Madonna Icons: Religious Dimensions of Catholicism in Late-Ming China
地志書寫與家國想像——民初《大中華地理志》的地方與國家認同 Rewriting Local and Imagining Nationhood: The Compilation of Great China Geography as Case Study of Local / National Identity in Early Republican China
星火何以燎原──朱毛紅軍的崛起之路 How Can One Spark Set the Prairie Ablaze: The Rise of the Red Army Led by Zhu De and Mao Zedong
新中國外交初體驗──1950年伍修權的紐約聯合國之行 New China's First Diplomatic Experience: A PRC Delegation to the United Nations in 1950