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Convulsions of the Social Order during the Northern-Southern Song Transition: Testimony from the Travels of Li Gang
作者 吳雅婷
This research aims to explore the social circumstances of Song China, presenting and discussing the travel path and life experiences of Li Gang, a well-known government official, during the period of the late Northern Song and early Southern Song. This article is chronologically arranged. The first section presents the everyday lives in the Northern Song and Li Gang's impressions on his official travels. Through notes and chorography, the second section analyzes the local experiences of officials and literati of the Fangla Incident. The third section illustrates the chaotic circumstances in Song China, by examining disturbances in local society, and the migration and misinformation that resulted from the Jingkang Incident. The final section analyzes the meanings of the choices in relocation. When officials were forced to migrate, returning to their hometown or ancestral home was one of the primary choices. Li Gang and his family, moved back to Fujian Province, where they were from. The experiences of people like Li Gang during the chaotic time between the Northern and Southern Song shows that Song China was not homogenous but locally varied, leading us to rethink the 'Song Empire.'
起訖頁 1-48
關鍵詞 李綱靖康之變方臘宦遊日常秩序Li GangJingkang IncidentFangla IncidentOfficial TravelSocial Order
刊名 臺大歷史學報  
期數 201706 (59期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學出版中心
該期刊-下一篇 兩幅耶穌會士的聖母聖像──兼論明末天主教的「宗教」




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